Looking Back at Season 2 (III) – The Official Stills (Part 1)

I’ve always been a bit puzzled about the release of the Official Stills. Maybe that’s just how it works with TV shows in general, but: Sometimes we get 20 Official Stills for an episode – another time only 3. Or worse – none. Sometimes we would get several, but all of them looking very similar.

I’m still not sure who actually chooses them – according to Set Photographer Guy D’Alema, it’s not the photographer himself. So either the director of photography, the director of the episode or the producers? Or someone higher up at CBS who’s responsible for TV show promo in general? No clue.

Episode 2×03: Roulette Wheel + Wire (via SpoilerTV)

In Season 1, there weren’t many in the bunch that actually sparked my interest, but it was fun to look over them months after the episodes had aired.

As with Season 1, I’m looking back at the Official Stills for each Episode of Season 2; picking my favorites and writing down some of my thoughts. (Because I just can’t keep quiet, as you all know by now.)

One thing I have noticed: While for Season 1, there had sometimes been 2 or even 3 Still Photographers, it’s usually only one person now (mostly Guy D’Alema who works on a bunch of other TV shows as well at the moment).


Episode 2×01: DIY or DIE (Still Photographer: Guy D’Alema)
We got 5 Official Stills via SpoilerTV. Three of them feature MacGyver, one Jack all on his own and one has Mac and Jack in trouble.

Episode 2×01: DIY or DIE (via Seat42F)

MY FAVORITE: Probably the one with Mac and Jack in trouble. We’ve seen BtS pictures of the scene before and I was curious what this was all about.

NOW THAT’S DISAPPOINTING: We already knew about Isabel Lucas being a new regular cast member, but there was no Official Still of her (or the other cast members). Funny thing though that the person grabbing Jack’s leg IS actually Isabel as Samantha Cage.


Episode 2xo2: Muscle Car + Paper Clips (Guy D’Alema)
For the second episode of Season 2, we got 4 Stills via SpoilerTV. Interestingly, they are all about the same scene with Tristin Mays as Riley; but one Still features a guy that isn’t all that important in the end.

Episode 2×02: Muscle Car + Paper Clips (via SpoilerTV)

MY FAVORITE: Not much to choose from, huh? I guess the one with Riley on the computer *heh*.

NOW THAT’S DISAPPOINTING: As mentioned above, all of  the Stills advertize the same scene. The episode is clearly centered around Riley, but I always think it’s weird when the protagonist that lends the show its name isn’t seen anywhere. Also, given the episode title, I had actually expected that the Muscle Car (a Mustang in this case) being featured.


Episode 2xo3: Roulette Wheel + Wire (Quantrell Colbert)
The third episode delivered 10 Official Stills via SpoilerTV. Besides Matty, everyone of Team Phoenix is in more than one of the pictures, which is nice.

Episode 2×03: Roulette Wheel +Wire (via SpoilerTV)

MY FAVORITE: Mac always talks about Bozer being his best friend – but since he joined Team Phoenix, Lucas Till and Justin Hires didn’t have many scenes together. Although this scene features the entire field team, it’s nice to have two Stills with just the two of them – I think that might actually be the first time since the Pilot Episode.

NOW THAT’S DISAPPOINTING: Nothing, really. The cast is very pretty to look at; the women all dolled up and the men all sharp dressed. In a Still that was added later on, there’s even a SAK featured. Isn’t that great? It’s actually my runner-up choice, so it needed to be shown as well (right at the beginning of this blog post).


Episode 2xo4: X-Ray + Penny (Guy D’Alema)
We got only 3 Stills via SpoilerTV. All of them feature the scene with Mac and Murdoc.

Episode 2×04: X-Ray + Penny (via SpoilerTV)

MY FAVORITE: The one with Mac and Murdoc, of course.

NOW THAT’S DISAPPOINTING: There’s the promise of Mac!Whump; so for me, not disappointing at all. There was even a BtS video after Entertainment Tonight had visited the set when this episode was being filmed.


Episode 2xo5: Skull + Electromagnet (Guy D’Alema)
The Halloween Episode brought 9 Official Stills via SpoilerTV plus additional versions of the group photo with everyone besides Matty dressed up in their Halloween costume.

Episode 2×05: Skull + Electromagnet (Official Still via Seat42F)

MY FAVORITE: It’s either “Jungle” or “Costumes”, so probably the group photo with everyone trying to look scary.

NOW THAT’S DISAPPOINTING: For the costumes being featured in so many pictures, it was a bit disappointing we didn’t get to see them properly in the episode itself. But when it comes to the Official Stills, everything’s fine. Maybe a Still with the villain would have been a nice addition.


(More coming soon.)

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